pensive ethnic man listening to answer in paper cup phone

I have released hundreds of Thinking in English episodes. From vocabulary, to advanced grammar, to explaining complicated issues in the news, Thinking in English covers a wide range of topics.

I’m sure many of you have become really accustomed to listening to my voice in the mornings, on the drive to work, or while walking the dog.

However, sometimes change is important, refreshing, or even refreshing! Fortunately for you, I have recorded a few interview and conversation based episodes with English teachers, other podcasters, and perhaps most importantly fellow non-native English speakers.

These episodes are awesome. And they offer a completely different experience to normal Thinking in English episodes.

  1. A variety of different accents.
  2. Excellent role models for all of you to emulate.
  3. Unique perspectives and expert pieces of advice.
  4. A great opportunity to listen and comprehend native level conversations!

Check out this article for some great episodes! And if you want more interview or conversation based content in the future, let me know!

Ready to think, listen, and excel in English?
Let’s get started!

Conversations with English Learners and Non-Native Speakers

Becoming Bilingual, Feminism, and Inequality in Japan! w/ Sneakysmol   (English Conversation)

First, I was incredibly fortunate to be joined on the podcast by my friend Honoka – also known as @sneakysmol on Instagram.  

Honoka was born and raised in Japan, but everyone assumes she is from the United States due to her accent and native English level. We discussed how she was raised bilingual despite never living overseas – something I’m sure you are all interested by.

Honoka gave some really useful advice on how to help children learn English naturally based on her own experiences! 

Honoka also runs a popular and bilingual Instagram page focused on Japanese feminism, so we talked about Japan’s performance in the gender inequality rankings and tried to explain why Japan is so unequal. 

Listen Here



Sanam Monteiro: Creative Writing, Making Mistakes, and Learning English!

Sanam Monteiro is poet, activist, political science graduate, youth worker, and former intern for United Nations Women.

She is also a friend of mine who once let me sleep on her sofa in Brussels! I invited Sanam to discuss her experiences of both learning and teaching English.

We had an amazing conversation on topics including her work with refugees and asylum seekers, why creative writing is an awesome tool to develop and improve your English skills, and how being a non-native speaker actually makes your English more interesting.

We also discussed Sanam’s language learning journey – she is a half-Portuguese, half-Iranian Belgian citizen, who was educated in Switzerland and is living in the UK (that is a lot of languages).

I hope you all enjoy this episode!

Listen Here



Feminist Majo: Maintaining Advanced English, Feminism, and East Asia

In this episode of Conversations with Thinking in English, I was really fortunate to welcome my good friend Marie onto the podcast!

Marie is originally from France and runs the Feminist Majo blog which posts fascinating articles about the lives of women in East Asia.

Marie also has a Master’s degree in Asian Politics (from the same university as I graduated from) and has studied a lot of languages in her life!

Join us for a conversation on feminism, women in East Asia, and how to develop your language skills and study at a top English language university!

Listen Here



Conversations with English Teachers and Podcasters

Learning English From the News?!? (with SEND7 Podcast)

How can you use the news to learn or improve your English?

Stephen from the Simple English News Daily podcast joins us today to discuss the news, how you can use the news in your daily study plans, and also some predictions for future news stories.

I really enjoyed talking with Stephen, and I hope you also enjoy listening to this episode! 

Listen Here



Why You Should Study English in Malta! w/ English Learning for Curious Minds (English Conversation)

Where is the best place to study English? I get asked this all the time.

Most people want to study in the UK, the US, Australia, Canada, or another native English-speaking country… but these can be expensive options.

Is there anywhere more affordable to learn English? 

Today, I’m joined by the wonderful Alastair Budge from the English Learning for Curious Minds podcast to discuss the tiny island of Malta and how it became a destination for English learners!

We discussed Malta’s history, what it is like to study there, and what kind of person should consider learning English in Malta.  

It was a really fun episode to record – I hope you all enjoy it!


How to Become an Advanced Language Learner?! w/ James Brock (English Conversation)

In this episode I was joined by one of my oldest friends – James Brock. 

James has led a very international life: as a child he lived in the UK, France, and Morocco. And as an adult he moved across the world to China, taught English, and eventually graduated top of his class from a Chinese university.  

I invited James on to Thinking in English today because I think all of you listening can be inspired by James’ approach to studying languages, his ability to throw himself into foreign cultures, and his dedication to becoming an advanced language speaker!

Aside from that, we also discussed the difficulty of attending school in France, accidentally eating duck heads in China, and why the visas prevented him from his dream job at Huawei!  

Final Thought

What do you think? Have you listened to all of these episodes already? Or will you listen now?

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By Tom Wilkinson

Host and founder of Thinking in English, Tom is committed to providing quality and interesting content to all English learners. Previously a research student at a top Japanese university and with a background in English teaching, political research, and Asian languages, Tom is now working fulltime on bettering Thinking in English!

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